Latest Episodes
Quiz or DIE! | Shimmer
In this episode, our cast must survive another Quiz from the biggest Foes and Fables head there is: Brian. Content Warning: strong language, fantasy...
After Party - A Look Back on Campaign 3 | Shimmer
In this final After Party for Shimmer, the cast talks about their overall experience with the Shimmer story, how Tanner initially thought the story...
32. Atrox the Reviler (FINALE) | Shimmer
In this series finale, the fate of the Shimmer system is determined by our heroic party and a foe of indomitable will. Content Warning:...
31. Servant | Shimmer
In this episode, our party faces a multitude of foes in the final leg of their journey towards the freedom of Shimmer. Content Warning:...
30. The Rescue of Koinonia | Shimmer
In this episode, our party returns to Koinonia in hopes to stop the surprise attack launched against their friends by Reliance. Content Warning: strong...
29. Back from the Future | Shimmer
In this episode, our party begins their journey through time to hopefully bring true peace to the star system, and rescue their friends at...